The sales of art-related products for fund raising purposes can be accomplished by means of various services offered online by different companies. The best option to use at any given time depends in large part on which products are being sold, and also on other factors. For example, I know of some photo labs, such as, which offer the option of setting up e-commerce galleries which handle most aspects of the e-commerce process, from the time when particular prints or products are sold online to the time when the finished products are shipped to the buyers.
Inasmuch as I plan to use different options rather than limiting myself to just one option, this web page will be used as a means of linking blog visitors to the web sites or web pages pertaining to specific products and to specific fund raising drives. I'm still in the process of setting everything up as of 6/23/2011 (when I first created this blog), but please revisit this page periodically in order to learn more about new buying options now being offered to the public by Artistic Rescue.
Creating a bookmark to this page in your browser will make it easier for you to periodically learn what's going on here at Artistic Rescue. Better yet, subscribe to this site via one of the options offered in the sidebar, so that you can read any new post to this blog even if your memory, like mine, is somewhat less than perfect.