Mark Pettigrew, the creator of, grew up in Springfield, Missouri, just 70 miles or so from Joplin, Missouri. As most folks know by now, Joplin was the scene of a horribly devastating tornado in May, 2011. Mark was dismayed to learn about that devastation, and he therefore resolved to do whatever he could do in order to help the victims and survivors of that event.
In terms of personal financial resources, Mark was struggling himself, as the result of a prolonged period of unemployment. (A small stroke in the middle of June 2011 exacerbated Mark's difficulties, making his prospects for immediate employment seem dim indeed.)
However, even before his stroke, it had occurred to Mark that he could sell digital fine art prints of his original art and photography, and that substantial portions of the proceeds from those sales could be donated to reputable organizations (such as World Vision, Convoy of Hope and the American Red Cross) already involved in the relief efforts in Joplin. In the process, he could also raise substantial funds with which to address his own crying need for an income. It would be a win/win situation for all concerned, including the buyers who would receive tangible, high quality art products in exchange for their generosity.
It is likely, considering the extent of the damage which was done to Joplin, that the Art Sales for Joplin project will be needed for quite some time. But the larger objective of the Artistic Rescue Project is to transcend this single disaster, and to eventually serve as a significant source of funding for numerous people and organizations in need. When new projects are added, the Current Projects page will be updated in order to reflect that change.
NOTE: At the present time, the range of products being offered for sale via this blog is relatively limited, but the plan is to eventually develop professional relationships with numerous other artists and performers willing to market and sell their works of art via this site (and related e-commerce sites), in order to help raise funds which are badly needed by relief organizations and charities and needy individuals. The benefit which contributing artists can expect to receive in return is an increase in exposure and sales revenues. Not to mention the satisfaction they will have in knowing that they have helped to alleviate the suffering of numerous people made in God's image.
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